There are now more links to web pages for language arts, math and science on the school Moodle page for First Grade. Please check them out and help your child reinforce at home what we do in school. I just found this great page for Math that covers all kind of Math topics in a fun way. I especially like this one for practicing reading the number words and matching them to the numerals: Have fun exploring.
We have had a very fruity and arty day in First Grade. We looked at still life painting by Paul Cezanne and then painted our own by looking carefully at fruit and thinking about what we would like in the backgrounds of our paintings. If you would like to have more still life fun, why not make your own here: Happy creating.
19 Sept 2013
Hello Mummies and Daddies, We are now in First Grade. We are writing a lot. We did lots of art today. We have been painting fruit. We have been looking at still life paintings. We all did a beautiful job. We have fun! We love you Mummy and Daddy. We love First Grade, Lots of love, Ms. Charlie and the kids xxx
First Grade has been busy in class practicing their assembly song; Superman If you want to practice at home, here is the link. Have fun.
First Grade celebrated Earth Day today on April 22nd. We have been talking about how we can help care for our planet and why it is so important to do so. We have been making our own environment cleaner by picking up trash and have talked about ways we can make a difference at home and at school. We have learned 3 R's for looking after the planet; reduce, reuse and recycle. Practice your recycling skills here:
In preparation for next week's World Math Day I have been looking out some fun games for you. Practice Math Facts here: You can practice adding and taking away - good luck getting those basket balls in the net too. I have also added some extra links on my favourite sites to include more fun places to practice Math.
Today we counted in 2's from zero. We looked at the hundred square to see which colour the numbers are when we count in jumps of two and we saw that they are all even and end in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0. How many chicken legs are there in total? Count in 2's to find out! Practice counting in 2's here but be quick to catch the fish!
Our sound this week is 'er' as in mixer. We are learning three ways that this can be written in English; er, ir and ur. How tricky. Remember to practice your spelling words a lot this week so you don't get tricked. Practice making words with the 'er' sound here:
Today First Grade wrote their own poem based on a much-loved story 'We're going on a bear hunt'. We used ideas and patterns from the story then made our own version with sound effects and very unique ideas. We're going to cross a volcano, an island and New York. Watch the original version here:
First Grade have been enjoying working with shapes. We have been finding and naming plane and solid shapes and have been using them to make patterns. Practice making patterns here: Click on and drag the correct space rock to complete the patterns